Training trip (June 2017)

The trip was aimed at deepening the knowledge of cherry cultivation and checking the results of the cutting that we could observe during the spring stay. The trip was planned during the harvest, and therefore we had the opportunity to see and try all varieties of the Sweet series. In addition, we could see in…

Training trip (February 2017)

This time we were looking for alternatives to the cultivation of apple orchards. During the Workshops, we received substantial knowledge about the management of cherry orchards: how to run plantations, cut trees, the differences in the selection of root-stocks, and tips for selecting varieties. We also visited soft fruit growers to see the systems for…

Training trip (August 2016)

In August 2016, another training trip to Italy was made. During a week-long trip to the regions strongly associated with fruit growing, the group had the opportunity to become acquainted with the latest horticultural technologies and our range of products. The first location visited was the Valente plant located near Padua. A company with a…